It’s all in the schedule

Continuing our series on the importance of daily devotions… and we’ll be wrapping it up in a day or two.

Today, I want to share something very simple, hardly seems significant, yet it has been a key in my life to having devotions on a consistent basis. It’s simply a matter of having a good Bible reading schedule.

Most schedules, you will typically read three chapters of the Old Testament and one from the New each day. Some will add a Psalm or Proverb. So typically, on January 1st, you read Genesis 1-3 and Matthew 1. By December 31st, you’re in the last three chapters of Malachi and the final chapter of Revelation.

Here is a problem I have had and you tell me if you can relate. I start off January in Genesis with stories of Adam and Noah, Abraham and Joseph. Interesting. Intriguing. 

Later in the month, I’m in Exodus. More interesting stuff but certain passages become a bit difficult to follow.

By February, I’m in Leviticus and now, it’s getting heavy. Ancient laws and rituals the Israelites must observe.

Then comes Numbers. By now, I’m losing focus. Some may be fascinated with Numbers. I’m not. My enthusiasm wanes. I don’t feel the same inspiration. I start missing days, and sadly, I often drop out. It’s happened more times than I care to admit. 

My pastor, Wayne Cordeiro of New Hope Christian Fellowship, recognized many have the same problem and he put together a reading schedule that is the best I’ve seen. It takes some of the difficult passages and spreads them throughout the year. He may have you in three or four, sometimes five different books the same day. You may be in a tough passage one moment but sit tight, you’ll be in a very inspirational one a bit later.

Some folks skip over those tough passages but you’ll be amazed at the little nuggets of truth you can discover if you read through them.

“All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable…” 2 Timothy 3:16

I am providing a link in the side panel that will take you to Pastor Wayne’s schedule. I encourage you to follow it, and let’s read through the Bible together each day.

2 responses to “It’s all in the schedule

  1. Would you please share that link again? I missed it. thank you

  2. Hi Susan,

    The link is:

    God bless,


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